Sadly enough, too many college students say they wish they would have sought medical treatment for a friend. Many end up feeling responsible for alcohol-related tragedies that could have been prevented. Each year, 1,800 college students in the United States die as a result of alcohol consumption.
If you think someone has alcohol poisoning, never hesitate to seek emergency medical care. It’s important to remember that a person with alcohol poisoning may not have all the signs and symptoms. Middle-aged men have been most affected by alcohol poisoning deaths in the United States. While many factors can contribute to the risk of alcohol abuse, individuals who start drinking in their adolescent years are more likely to suffer from alcoholism later on in life. Other influences such as stress and depression can also lead to chronic alcohol use, and possibly alcohol poisoning. When young adults head off to college and live on their own for the first time, they feel more free and independent.
This, in turn, could lead to death when someone chokes on or breathes in, their own vomit. Even if the drinker survives, an alcohol overdose can lead to long-lasting brain damage. There are a number of factors that play a role in a person’s alcohol consumption limit such as gender, weight and tolerance level. Since every person is different, there is no way to determine how much a person can drink before they’re at risk of alcohol poisoning. One of the most common causes of alcohol poisoning is binge drinking. Consuming an excessive amount of alcohol in such a short timeframe significantly increases your chances of harmful consequences, like alcohol poisoning.
Ethyl alcohol poisoning generally results from drinking too many alcoholic beverages in a short period of time. Alcohol poisoning occurs when someone drinks so much in a short amount of time that basic body functions (like breathing, heartbeat, and temperature regulation) all begin to shut down. Alcohol poisoning can lead to permanent brain damage and death. Alcohol poisoning occurs when a person’s blood alcohol level is so high it becomes toxic. This typically occurs when people consume excessive amounts of alcohol in a short space of time.
Alcohol in the stomach and intestine continues to enter the bloodstream and circulate throughout the body. Drinking too much and too quickly can lead to significant impairments in motor coordination, decision-making, impulse control, and other functions, increasing the risk of harm. Continuing to drink despite clear signs of significant impairments can result in an alcohol overdose.
Alcohol poisoning can also occur when medications or other substances increase the potency of alcohol. After a person stops drinking, alcohol in the stomach and intestine continues to enter the bloodstream and circulate throughout the body. A person’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) can continue to rise even while he or she is passed out. As a result, breathing and heart beat can slow, become irregular, then stop; hypothermia (low body temperature) can lead to cardiac; and hypoglycemia (too little blood sugar) can lead to seizures. While overdrinking is the main cause of alcohol poisoning, other factors can increase your risks.
After treatment is complete, aftercare programs can help you maintain your recovery throughout the future. Alcohol suppresses your neurological function and creates mild symptoms known to accompany alcohol use, such as slurred speech, decreased coordination and decreased inhibitions. This suppressing effect can cause more serious symptoms when higher amounts of alcohol are used. Ultimately, alcohol can inhibit neurological function to such an extent that it causes seizures, coma and stopped breathing. In general, if you drink, you should only consume one drink per hour. A drink is defined as a 12-ounce glass of 5% beer, 5-ounce glass of 12% wine, or 1.5-ounces of 80-proof liquor.
Treating at home increases the risk of death and is never advised. While others finding out about alcohol use could be embarrassing, this embarrassment pales in comparison to the distress that a death would cause. Additionally, many more people have lasting long-term effects from alcohol poisoning, such as brain damage or injuries that occur while overdosing on alcohol. Alcohol poisoning can also play a role in overdosing on other substances, such as opioids. Alcohol poisoning is the term used to describe an alcohol overdose.
Don’t be afraid to seek medical help for a friend who has had too much to drink. Don’t worry that your friend may become angry or embarrassed-remember, you cared enough to help. Prognosis for recovery from alcohol poisoning is excellent provided the pet receives prompt veterinary treatment. It can be hard to decide if you think someone is drunk enough to need medical help. But it’s best to take action right away rather than be sorry later. You may worry about what will happen to you or a friend or family member, especially if underage.
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